19/01/2022 Answer

1. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

She was conspicuous by her absence in the meeting held yesterday.

Answer: apparent

2. Choose the antonym of the given word


Answer: Purify

3. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is EXPAND which means INCREASE

4. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very well.

Answer: she looked very well.

Solution: The correct sentence is " After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very good."

5. Choose the option to replace the phrase highlighted to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose "No correction required"

The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.

Answer: worse than I had expected

6. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

The poor postman was bite on the leg by my neighbor's guard dog.

Answer: was bite on

Solution: Error is in "was bite on".

correct sentence is  "The poor postman was bitten on the leg by my neighbour's guard dog."

7. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.

Answer: then relaxes

Solution: Note: Parallelism rule is applied.

8. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who betrays his own country.

Answer: Traitor

9. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

The publisher replied to the unfledged author.

Answer: experienced

Solution: Unfledged means "Young and inexperienced"

10. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

One who will never cease to exist

Answer: immortal

11. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously and hence I had plenty of it.

Answer: deliciously and

Solution: The correct sentence is " The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious and hence I had plenty of it."

12. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the definition below.

Incapable of being seen through

Answer: Opaque

Solution: Opaque (which means "impenetrable to sight")

13. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

You should be wary of the pitfalls.

Answer: heedless

Solution: Wary means "Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence"

14. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

They are not beware of all the facts

Answer: are not aware of

15. Choose the ANTONYM for ZENITH

Answer: nadir

Solution: Zenith means "the greatest height or the top most point"

16. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The factory workers are restive as the bonus has not been declared.

Answer: restless

17. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He was in a great gusto at the end of the day

Answer: Frustration

Solution: Gusto means "Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment"

18. Choose the part of the sentence containing an error.

The principal along with the students have gone to Goa.

Answer: have gone to Goa.

19. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who makes first appearance in a role.

Answer: Debutant

20. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He enunciates certain words differently

Answer: Mumble

Solution: Enunciate means to speak clearly and loudly.

21. Find the antonym of the given word


Answer: Lauded

Solution: Execrated means "Curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment" that is to detest or loathe.

22. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part of the sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Despite of their difference, they had one important thing in common.

Answer: Despite their

Solution: The correct sentence is " Despite their difference, they had one important thing in common."

23. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.


Answer: BACK

Solution: The word is BEHIND which means BACK

24. Choose the part of the sentence which has an error in it.

Each of these players have been warned not to repeat the mistake.

Answer: have been warned 

Solution: It must be "has been warned"

25. Choose the part of the sentence which has error in it.

Madan has given his entrance examination today.

Answer: given his 

Solution: It must be "taken his"

26. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The villagers offered us an excellent repast.

Answer: a good meal

27. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The boss was very displeased for my conduct.

Answer: at my conduct

28. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The freshers have been attended their classes since February.

Answer: have been attending

29. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Look back in the past to know what went wrong.

Answer: Retrospect

30. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part and hence improve the sentence.

If he had time, he will call you.

Answer: has

31. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

Arun is Pradeep's man Friday.

Answer: chief assistant

Solution: Ans: chief assistant (or right hand man)

32. Choose the part of the sentence which has error.

The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly had stood more than five feet tall.

Answer: commonly had stood more than

Solution: The correct sentence is "The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly stands more than five feet tall."

33. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who is cruel but equally coward.

Answer: Dastard

34. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

A person who is blindly devoted to an idea.

Answer: Chauvinist

35. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

Have every girl gone home yet? It is nearly 10.00 p.m.

Answer: Have every girl

Solution: Error is in "Have every girl".

correct sentence is  "Has every girl gone home yet ? It is nearly 10.00 p.m."

36. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

Person who talks too much or too often only about himself

Answer: Egoist

37. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

He has improved his communication skills and learnt catchy phrases.

Answer: easily remembered

38. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is DEARTH which means SCARCITY (or shortage)

39. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Large scale leaving of the people from their homes

Answer: Exodus

40. Choose the word that is an antonym of the given word.


Answer: Ans: Dislike

Yen means "A yearning for something or to do something"

41. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

A religious war

Answer: Crusade

42. Choose the correct answer which will act as a one word substitute.

Present opposing arguments or evidence

Answer: Rebut

Solution: "Rebut" means "Present opposing arguments or evidence"

43. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

The Principal warned him for his egregious behaviour

Answer: Inoffensive

Solution: Egregious means "Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible"

44. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who has lost hope or is dejected.

Answer: Despondent

45. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

He said he telephoned to her this morning but there was no reply.

Answer: he telephoned to her

Solution: Error is in "he telephoned to her".

Correct sentence is "He said he telephoned her this morning but there was no reply".

46. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

Up-to-dateness or neat in dress and manners

Answer: spruce

47. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The man left the police station contrite.

Answer: penitent 

48. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

You should not be callous to old people.

Answer: indurate

49. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who is the seniormost member of a prominent family.

Answer: Doyen

50. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

People with diffidence can never succeed in their life

Answer: Diffdence means "Lack of self-confidence"


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