31-08-2021 Answers
1. The attainment of individual and organisational goals is mutually interdependent and linked by a common denominator - employee work motivation. Organisational members are motivated to satisfy their personal goals, and they contribute their efforts to the attainment of organisational objectives as means of achieving these personal goals. The passage best supports the statement that motivation Answer: encourages an individual to give priority to personal goals over organisational goals. 2. Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashions is very large, yet fashions have come to stay. They will not go, come what may. However, what is now required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion from the minds of these youngsters. The passage best supports the statement that: Answer: the hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development. 3. Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion opportunities, the ...