29-09-2021 Answers

1. The children are very quiet. I hope they are not getting _____ anything they should not be.

Answer: up to

2. I thought my Maths book was lost, and I ______ it all over the house.

Answer: looked for

3. I have been studying hard, I hope to ________ my English exam.

Answer: get through

4. After my little brother was born, my parents told me that I would have to ______ him.

Answer: look after

5. After the hostages had been in captivity for two weeks, the terrorists finally decided to ______ to the police.

Answer: give themselves up

6. They got married so young that it is hardly surprising it did not work _____ .

Answer: out

7. Dave is very happy because his daughter has just got _____ a good university.

Answer: into

8. At the political demonstration the activists were busy _____ tracts against the government.

Answer: giving out

9. Your plane _______ at 5.40 am, sir.

Answer: took off 

10. I thought it was a greatreat little restaurant, but for some reason, it just did not catch _____ .

Answer: on

11. He was so strong that it took four men to hold him ______ .

Answer: down

12. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

It is clear that the company has problems, but the board is playing them _____ to try and convince the shareholders not to accept the offer.

Answer: down

13. She fell asleep on the train and so she had to get _____ three stops down the line.

Answer: off

14. When you have to do a research paper for Physics, for instance, you have to ______ all the specialized books your teacher suggests.

Answer: go into

15. My parents had a lot of children, so sometimes there was not enough food to ______ 

Answer: go round

16. Try to _______ the point, please!

Answer: keep to

17. When we go to an art museum, it is usually to _______ the works of art.

Answer: look at

18. My friend always told me: "If you do not succeed at first, try again and again. Do not ______"

Answer: give up

19. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

When his wife died, and he lost his job, he took _____ drink.

Answer: to

20. Sunny is still getting _____ a particularly nasty bout of gastric flu. We hope to have her back at work next week.

Answer: over

21. We were waiting for our new house, so we were glad that it _____ so fast.

Answer: went up

22. When you get _____ with that book, I had love to read it.

Answer: through

23. After the peace talks, the Governor of State ______ the information that the Peace Treaty would soon be signed.

Answer: gave out

24. Do not forget to ________ your friend too.

Answer: bring along

25. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

You should not rush _____ making such an important decision. You should take your time.

Answer: into

26. You should wait if you are ______ it so much.

Answer: looking forward to

27. I think Jerry must have ______ .

Answer: made it up

28. It really irritates me, when I do not know a word and my teacher, instead of telling me the translation, pushes the closed dictionary towards me and says: "______".

Answer: Look it up

29. I saw her in the town centre handing _____ leaflets for a new bar that is opening soon.

Answer: out 

30. Whenever I want to stop doing these exercises, my trainer suggests that I _______ .

Answer: go on

31. He just about manages to get _____ on his current salary, but it is not easy.

Answer: by

32.  I must have got _____ at least $6000 when I was in the States. I spent a fortune over there.

Answer: through

33. How can you ________ his silly mistakes?

Answer: put up with

34.  I will not be back until very late so there is no point waiting _____ me.

Answer: up for

35. We will have to set _____ very early if we are going to get there by lunch time.

Answer: off

36. I really do not want to go to their home. Is there no way we can get _____ it?

Answer: out of

37.I lent the lawnmower to Peter six weeks ago. He has still got it and I am beginning to wonder if I am ever going to get it _____ .

Answer: back

38. All the leaflets were ________ during the exhibition.

Answer: given out

39. My parents are taking me to Australia for my next holidays. I am really _____ the trip.

Answer: looking forward to

40. There is not much in the cupboard, but I am sure I can rustle _____ an omelette at least.

Answer: up

41. Could you get _____ to me as soon as possible on this?

Answer: back

42. I really do not know what has got _____ Pete lately. He is not been returning my calls and is acting very strangely.

Answer: into

43. When you are in trouble, you should better _______ with your friend.

Answer: get in touch

44. I think the only way he got _____ the funeral was by drinking a lot.

Answer: through

45. Red wine is one of the most difficult stains to get _____ .

Answer: out

46. We cannot unfortunately _________ a large house like this.

Answer: keep up

47. If he has to he can just about get _____ in Russian, but it is not usually necessary as so many Russians speak excellent English.

Answer: by

48. When my younger daughter told me she was bored, I told her that she should ________ some sort of sport.

Answer: go in for 

49. Whenever we have an argument, my little brother always _______ first.

Answer: gives in

50. You can always rely _____ Peter in a crisis.

Answer: on


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