15-11-2021 Answers

 1. Varun started a business with Rs.8400 and after 6 months-> ₹12000

2. X and Y invest in a business in the ratio 3:2. If X's share is Rs.1035, then Y's share is-> Rs.690

3. A starts business with Rs.4200 and after 5 months, B joins with A-> Rs.4800

4. Rs.40 is paid towards typing a research report. Typist A produces 84 pages-> Rs.24

5. Jack divides Rs.12900 among 5 sons, 4 daughters-> Rs.300

6. A and B entered into partnership with capitals in the ratio 4:5-> Rs.215

7. A, B and C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture-> Rs.720, Rs.540

8. A and B invest Rs.60000 and Rs.80000 in a business. A receives Rs.200 every month-> Rs.3600

9. A and B invested equal amount of capital in a business-> 3 months

10. Akila and Bindhu invest in a business in the ratio-> Rs.6840


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