20-11-2021 Answers

 1. A tap can fill a cistern in 5 hours and another can empty it in 20 hours. If both the taps-> 20/3 hours

2. Pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6, 9 and 12 hours respectively. If all three pipes are opened-> 36/13 hours

3. A tank is filled in 11 hours by three pipes A, B and C. The pipe C is twice as fast-> 77 hours

4. Two motor pumps each working 12 hours per day for 8 days pumps 9000 cubic-> 12 hours

5. Two taps A and B can fill a cistern in 14 hours and 21 hours respectively. In that beginning-> 3.5 hour(s)

6. A tank is normally filled in 16 hours. Because of a leak at it's bottom it takes 4 hours-> 80

7. Three inlet pipes have their radius as 1,2,3 inches respectively-> 2/3 hours

8. A pipe normally takes 6 hours to fill a tank. but due to a leak at the bottom-> 15 hrs

9. Pipes A, B can fill a tank in 12 and 18 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty the full tank in 15 hours-> 180/13 hours

10. There are two taps which are used to fill the tank and one tap to empty-> 15


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