29-11-2021 Answers

 1. The driving wheel of an engine which is 3.5m in radius-> 52.8 kmph

2. A train is running between stations A and B arrives-> 50 kms

3. A train 150m long passes a km indication stone in 15-> 99 kmph

4. The average speed of a train without stoppages is 40kmph-> 21 minutes

5. Electric trains leave from a station at an interval of 15-> 5kmph

6. A passenger train travels at 5/8th of it's normal speed-> 4:25 pm

7. Two trains are 2kms apart. Speed of one train is 20m/s-> 50 seconds

8. A man travelled a distance of 9000km in 9 hours-> 5 hours

9. A train travelling at the speed of 90 km/hr follows a goods train-> 36 kmph

10. Two trains are running on parallel lines in the same-> 200 m


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