02-12-2021 Answers

 1. A.The likelihood of an accident is determined by how carefully the motorist drives and how carefully-> DBAC

2. A.As officials, their vision of a country shouldn't run too far beyond that of the local people-> BEADC

3. A.It could have been easy for Harshwardan and Poonam Dhanwantey to sit back and enjoy-> BDAC

4. A.New delhi wanted to show that its sympathy lies with suu kyi and her democractic ideals-> BDAC

5. A.Michael Hofman, a poet, and translator, accepts this sorry fact without approval-> EACBD

6. A.The erect figure stopped a little, her high color had faded and her voice lost some-> BDAC

7. A.A group of children found the freezer that had been left behind a local shop at a small town-> CADB

8. A.In the case of King Merolchazzar's courtship of the Princess of the Outer Isles-> ECDAB

9. A.If caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves-> BECDA

10. A.To much of the Labour movement, it symbolises the brutality of the upper-> DEACB


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