23-12-2021 Answers
1. A group of students are organised-> 37
2. Four athletes, It is known-> Chandrika
4. Tanning:Leather:: Pyrotechnics-> Fireworks
5. There are six persons A,B,C,D,E-> 4
6. All bombs are balls-> None of the conclusion
7. In the below diagram 4 3 2-> 6
8. Some thorns are jugs. Some-> Conclusion IV follows
9. If white is called blue-> yellow
10. Three of the four-> Trouble:Relief
11. A team consists of both boy-> 3 boys
12. A hunter has just returned-> 9
13. Some tigers are lizards-> Conclusion I follows
14. A farmer has a rose garden. Everyday-> 4
15. If * stands for -, 8*12/6-> D
16. If A+B means A is the brother-> MxN-C+F
17. The below diagram shows a-> E and J
18. A monkey starts climbing up a tree-> 18 seconds
19. In a certain code, 15789 is-> ALGUT
20. From young Sneha and Veena-> Ved
21. Odd one-> Garage
22. Odd one-> Explosion
23. Choose Misogamy-> Women
24. Odd one-> Cooking
25. If CLOSE is coded as DNRWJ-> BRDVY
26. Lemur:Monkey::Rook-> Crow
27. There are 27 balls, of which-> 3
28. Circumference:Circle-> Area
29. If A+B means A is the brother-> MxN-C+F
31. Pointing to a person, Deepak-> Uncle
32. Odd one, 253, 136, 352-> 324
33. Odd one-> Ride
34.If * stands for /, / stands for-> 14.7
35. In a row, Sumit-> 21
36. Between 60 and 100 passengers-> 95
37. CFJO?-> U
38. There is a circular pizza with-> 11,5
39. Some cubes are squares-> Only Conclusion I and III follows
40. Kate password-> R
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