20-01-2022 Answers

1. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. 

A. If caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves to be caught another lash of the whip.

B. The bellicose Spartans sacrificed all the finer things in life for military expertise.

C. Those fortunate enough to survive babyhood were taken away from their mothers at the age of seven to undergo rigorous military training.

D. This consisted mainly of beatings and deprivations of all kinds like going around barefoot in winter, and worse, starvation so that they would be forced to steal food to survive.

E. Male children were examined at birth by the city council and those deemed too weak to become soldiers were left to die of exposure.

Answer: BECDA

2. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

A man is known ___ the company he keeps.

Answer: by

3. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. The two neighbours never fought each other.

B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the participants was unknown.

C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.

D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an immediate neighbour, an ally.

E. We therefore tracked 268 intruder males until we saw them fighting a resident male."

Answer: BEDAC

4. Choose the option which can replace the highlighted Idiom in the below sentence.

The sight of the accident made my flesh creep.

Answer: frightened me

5. Choose the wrongly spelt word.

Answer: Tution

6. Which of the following words is spelt correctly?

Answer: loquacious

7. Choose the option to fill in the blanks

He is ___ cricket.

Answer: fond of playing

Solution: The correct form is "fond of doing something"

8. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Bouquet

9. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiomatic phrase.

Call it a day

Answer: good bye to active life

10. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea.

B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.

C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.

D. Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs) the antijamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct for years.

E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.

Answer: CEABD

11. Find the meaning of the highlighted idiom :

Tom did not mince words

Answer: To say what you mean as clearly and simply as possible

Solution: "To say what you mean clearly and directly, even if you upset people by doing this" is the correct meaning of the highlighted idiom.

12. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Four days later, Ora announced its own bid for Peop, and invited the firm’s board to a discussion.

B. Furious that his own plans had been endangered, Peop’s boss, Craig, called Ora’s offer "diabolical", and its boss, Larry, a "sociopath".

C. In early June, Peop said that it would buy J.D.E, a smaller rival.

D. Moreover, said Mr. Craig, "he could imagine no price nor combination of price and other conditions to recommend accepting the offer."

E. On June 12th, Peop turned Ora down.

Answer: CABDE

13. Find the word spelt incorrectly.

Answer: Maintanance

14. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.

B. In June 1944 Germany’s military position in World War Two appeared hopeless.

C. In Britain, the task of amassing the men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been completed.

D. The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.

E. The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.

Answer: BEDAC

15. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) Bar comes from the word dance in Armenian which is bar. 

B) The characteristic of their formation is that they are performed side-by-side, hand, shoulder and arm-in-arm. 

C) Later, clarinet has been added to the woman bars.

D) With their structure and formation, they are the dances performed by groups in the open. 

E) Woman and man bars are different from one another. The principal instruments of our bar dances are davul and zurna (shrill pipe). 

F) They are spread, in general, over the eastern part of Anatolia (Erzurum, Bayburt, Agri, Kars, Artvin and Erzincan provinces). 

G) Bar is a form of folk dance from eastern Turkey. 

Answer: GADFBEC 

16. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. medicine 2. a 3. Neeta 4. given 5. was

Answer: 35421

Solution: The sentence is "Neeta was given a medicine."

17. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

A son was born ___ her.

Answer: to

18. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The fans exulted ___ the defeat of the opponent team.

Answer: over

19. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

He seems irritated ___ my refusal.

Answer: at

20. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Passivity is not, of course, universal.

B. In areas where there are no lords or laws, or in frontier zones where all men go armed, the attitude of the peasantry may well be different.

C. So indeed it may be on the fringe of the unsubmissive.

D. However, for most of the soil-bound peasants the problem is not whether to be normally passive or active, but when to pass from one state to another.

E. This depends on an assessment of the political situation.

Answer: ABCDE

21. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. bag  2. you  3. seen  4. have  5. my

Answer: 42351

Solution: The sentence is "Have you seen my bag."

22. Choose the wrongly spelt word.

Answer: Amature

23. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

She shows some aptitude ___ languages.

Answer: for 

24. Find the meaning of the highlighted phrase

John is looking a little *pale around the gills. *

Answer: Looking sick

Solution: "pale around the gills." means "Looking sick".

25. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Excessive

26. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Palate

Solution: Palate means "the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities"

27. Sentences from a paragraph are given in random order. Choose the option containing the order of sentences required to form a coherent paragraph.

A. Marketers often make their decisions based on cliched judgements, yet consumers make theirs on idiosyncratic whims at the time of purchase.

B. I’ve gotten over being surprised at the exasperation of marketers facing real life consumer reaction when it flies in the face of market research.

C. Did you know that big consumers of gourmet ice cream are also devotees of diet soda?

D. The only logic about the consumer market is that there really is none.

Answer: CBAD

28. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) As a safety measure, four straps run from the ends of the rods to a waist belt. 

B) The design is a marked improvement over another folio which depicts a man trying to break the force of his fall by the means of two long cloth streamers fastened to two bars which he grips with his hands.

C) The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period.

D) Although the surface area of the parachute design appears to be too small to offer effective resistance to the friction of the air and the wooden base-frame is superfluous and potentially harming, the revolutionary character of the new concept is obvious.

E) The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy, showing a free-hanging man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy.

Answer: CEABD

29. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. not  2. hotel  3. comfortable  4. was  5. the

Answer: 52413

Solution: The sentence is "The hotel was not comfortable."

30. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The two countries have entered ___ various agreements.

Answer: into

31. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

See eye to eye

Answer: agree

32. Find the word spelt incorrectly.

Answer: Inflamable

33. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

Right-hand man

Answer: most efficient assistant

34. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits. RAPETEKA

Answer: Bird

Solution: The word is PARAKEET (Its  a type of parrot). Hence it belongs to the "BIRD" category.

35. Find the meaning of the highlighted phrase

Tim has been dawdling about all morning

Answer: To waste time in a place

Solution: "Dawdling about" means "To waste time in a place" or "The deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working"

36. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) Since the 1910s they have been used in submarines and ships. 

B) They were originally used as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines.

C) In the 1930s, they slowly began to be used in a few automobiles. 

D) Diesel engines are manufactured in two-stroke and four-stroke versions. 

E) Use in locomotives, trucks, heavy equipment and electric generating plants followed later. 

F) Since the 1970s, the use of diesel engines in larger on-road and off-road vehicles in the USA increased. 

Answer: DBAECF


37. One of the words is misspelt. Choose the misspelt word.

Answer: Memorundam

38. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. at  2. it  3. take  4. once  5. away

Answer: 32514

Solution: The sentence is "Take it away at once."

39. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

I hold you liable ___ the murder.

Answer: for

40. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

You cannot dispense __ the use of air conditioner in summer.

Answer: with

41. Which of the following words is spelt correctly?

Answer: fastidious

42. Choose the wrongly spelt word

Answer: Despute

43. Find the meaning of the highlighted idiom :

In terms of profitability, the company is streets ahead of its nearest rival.

Answer: To be much better or more advanced than someone or something else.

44. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The children were fascinated ___ the toys in the shop.

Answer: by

45. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Rigorous

46. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

You should derive benefit __ the experience of others.

Answer: from

47. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

To fall flat

Answer: to be met with a cold reception

48. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

Have you seen the sequel __ that movie?

Answer: to

49. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. not  2. Harry  3. away  4. run  5. did

Answer: 25143

Solution: The sentence is "Harry did not run away."

50. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

My sister differs ___ me both in looks and habits.

Answer: from

51. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Benefited

52. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Treacherous

Solution: Ans: Treacherous which means "Dangerously unstable and unpredictable"

53. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

It is a true pleasure for me to write this letter of  _____  for my student Salina.

Answer: recommendation

Solution: recommendation is the correct spelling. 

54. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Indispensable

55. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

She is disposed __ travelling abroad.

Answer: to


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